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🚀 FREE 6-Figure Book Marketing Masterclass

How to sell 10,000+ books per year and explode your leads like James Clear and Tim Ferriss (using these 2 tactics).

I want you to sell 10,000 books in 1 year (or more).

It’s totally possible. Get ready to take notes, because this masterclass is jam-packed with concrete how-to’s and tangible takeaways to sell thousands of books per year.

I did this training for the group I travel around the world with, WiFi Tribe (get $200 off your first trip with this affiliate link).

According to The Elysian on Substack, 96% of books in 2020 sold no more than 1,000 copies in a year. Selling 10,000 copies in 1 year puts you in the top 1% of bestsellers (estimated). While this is not that important in itself, selling this many books positions your book to have a shot at actually expanding your business and brand.

By selling that many books, people will start talking about you without you being in the room. If people are talking about your book, they’re talking (read: marketing) about your brand.

My most recent book sold 10,283 copies in its 1st year, and only recently did I realize how powerful this was. Podcasts, speaking, and other opportunities came to me, rather than me having to chase after them.

Each copy of your book sold is one more node in the compounding nature of network effects for your business. The more books out there, the more people know about your book, read it, join your email list, and buy your stuff.

To experience a true growth in business from selling your nonfiction book, you have to reach escape velocity. Push the rock up the hill. Create a flywheel. But once you hit critical mass, instead of you working for your book, your book now works for you.

Selling 10k copies in 1 year is possible for you, even if you have:

  • No book deals

  • No publishing agents

  • No G-wagons

  • A tiny email list or social media following

  • Never written a book before

  • Published books in the past and they all flopped

It all comes down to how you market your book.

Even if you have a traditional publishing deal or are self-publishing, either way, you handle the marketing.

Publishing a book with a publishing house is not a magic bullet. They will not market your book for you.

The wrong way to market a book is without a properly-executed book launch. You will not reach escape velocity. You will spend your life shilling your book at every networking event you go to.

The right way to market a book is with a book launch to create a flywheel effect.

The wrong way to market a book is without a book launch. You will shill your book forever, and you become your book’s employee. The right way to market a book is with a book launch. You will create a flywheel effect that you will enjoy many years down the road. Your book is now your employee.

It takes some energy and focus to get it started (to move from zero to first gear and then second gear), but after you start moving, each rotation gets easier with less work. This launch period can last anywhere from 30 days to 12 months (you decide). The longer you put energy into the flywheel, the more momentum it will have. Five to ten years from now, your books will continue creating gigs and clients for you without any extra work on your part.

Selling stuff online comes down to 2 things:

  1. Offers

  2. Traffic

In the case of your book, your book (and the way you talk about it online, especially on Amazon, which is essentially the sales page for your book and your authority online) is your offer. Your traffic should come from 1 main source, ideally podcasts (the audience that love podcasts also love books).

The two tactics you need to focus on are:

  1. Your Amazon listing (and optimizing it)

  2. Podcast guesting (or 1 main source of traffic, such as Amazon ads or blog touring)

Watch this FREE masterclass to learn:

  • The 5 steps I used to optimize my Amazon listing and maximize my traffic sources to sell 10,283 copies in 12 months

  • The 3 most common mistakes business owners make when selling their books (and how to bypass them completely)

  • How Robert Kiyosaki, Jessica Zweig, and Tim Ferriss strategically guest on podcasts to grow their email list, sell more books, and grow their influence

  • The 5 elements of an outstanding Amazon listing

  • How to get 600+ reviews within 30 days of book launch

  • And a lot more. There’s so much in this jam-packed training that I can’t even put it all into bullets.

If you’re tired of spending time, money, and energy creating beautiful, valuable books but failing to see the ROI you want, then you’re going to want to watch this training (and have a notepad handy).

👇🏽 When you finish, leave a comment below. What questions do you have? What was mindblowing?

If you found this training useful, and you believe someone you love or want to help could use this training, share it with them or your network.


And, if you’re ready to become the go-to authority in your niche, make more money, and make a dent in this Universe, contact me to see how we can work together. I work with ambitious, compassionate, and intelligent souls who are ready to roll up their sleeves, leap out of their comfort zone, and achieve what they set their mind to. After all, you know your imprint on this planet depends on it.

Reply to this email to see how we can work together.

Renee 🤠🌻

Smokin' Hot Book Funnels
Smokin' Hot Book Funnels
Renee Puvvada