Thanks! For some reason the video did not populate earlier and I imagine it was because of my location this morning.

Thanks for the fiction thoughts. My challenge is my following is in the gardening world - desert container gardening to be specific. My second book is โ€œcreative nonfiction โ€œ and I loved writing the stories so much I was encouraged to try some fiction. So a new market. I am weaving in some gardening lessons but am concerned many of my garden followers are not as interested in fiction (from me.) So I feel in Iโ€™m starting a whole new brand. At 71, I donโ€™t know if Iโ€™m up for that!!! I do love writing and thatโ€™s why I came to Substack. I have five chapters posted so far.

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Nice Marylee! I think you're doing a great thing already by finding your audience as you write. Continue to tease your writing, get them excited, and engage them in the conversation. Weave their interest into your fiction. I can't wait to check out your writing!

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Thanks so much Renee!!! This I can do! Riley is my main character and itโ€™s like sheโ€™s my friend!! I appreciate you.

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Hi! I switched my subscription to this account!!

I donโ€™t see a link to the MasterClass.

Iโ€™ve shifted to writing fiction. Will this system work for that too?

Thanks!! Love your posts!

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Well hi Marylee! Thanks so much for subscribing! Welcome to the community! <3

Hmm... are you able to access the video at the top of this post? If not I can send you a link.

This system is mostly geared towards business owners, entrepreneurs, and founders who wish to market their nonfiction book to grow their business and brand. I don't know much about fiction, but I am currently in talks with a Substack fiction author who may be a good case study to see if this applies. Overall, for fiction, your goal is to grow a loyal community and fanbase, and you can do that in multiple ways. Regardless, my recommendation for all authors is to sell other offers besides just your writing and books. If you're in fiction, I highly recommend growing your personal brand so that you can eventually look to sell your skills, coaching, consulting, editing, etc. or even sell TV or movie rights. (For so many novels, the fiction author is often as famous, if not more famous, than the book(s) themselves.)

I do get a lot of questions about marketing fiction, short stories, and the like, and while we can explore that topic, this newsletter is geared more towards writers looking to build a book funnel (use a book to lead readers to ascension offers to grow a business).

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