I need to bookmark this! Huge congratulations.

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Thanks Michelle, and happy to hear it was helpful. Were there any aspects of this that still left you scratching your head?

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Thanks so much Renee! This is the most down-to-earth and easy-to-read guide on self-publishing on Amazon. I understand, however, that it's focused a bit on non-fiction books that have a "practical use" for its readers, like self-help, business, etc. I sense this guide can also be used, with some variations, to promote fiction and short stories compilation books, which are the ones I am writing. I published one book on Amazon just to be able to gift it to my daughter, so I did not care about marketing or promotion; I just didn't want to print it myself.

The compilation of short stories I am writing is also for some family members, and I have collected some of the old tales my ancestors used to tell me when I was a kid. I recognize that having them read these stories is the ultimate goal of these works, but, at the same time, I think it wouldn't hurt if they could also be sold to other people. I am not asking for a personalized guide, though, but there must be some ways to promote a book that hasn't been done after market research like the one you explained. Thanks, Renee, again for sharing, and I will use this guide for any other non-fiction work!

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Hi Luis! That is such an encouraging comment! Thank you!

So, promoting your short stories is similar to promoting memoirs... Promoting them takes a fair amount of effort over time, and do not believe the people who say they were overnight successes. They likely have been building an audience for years already. I want you to build an audience and understand their hunger for short stories like the ones from your family members; no doubt there is entertainment, wisdom, catharsis, and utility from those stories. I plan to write one based on my family's stories too, but I know I want take the time to build the audience first.

However, I do think you still can benefit hugely from market research. Mostly because by empathizing with what people want and hunger for, you will be positioned to find that intersection between writing for yourself and getting paid in kind for your efforts. Definitely continue building a following on Substack, promote these stories on Substack, get on podcasts to promote your Substack, and when the time is right, launch your short stories via podcasts and Substack tours. I think you have a ton of potential!

And I'd love to do more case studies to understand how fiction, memoirs, and short-stories can be best marketed! Great idea :D

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Great advice, Renee!

Books can be so great for creating an audience. For instance, I've recently found a bunch of great people through their books. After reading their books, I went to their websites, checked out their courses and offers, etc.

I assume that someone who reads your book is much more likely to buy something else from you than someone who's just watching a video or reading a Social Media post.

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You make am excellent point Louise! Youtube, podcasts...all great. But when someone has decided to buy your book, they have made a micro-commitment to you and your mission and your authority. They believe in you. They trust you. And when you can lead them to the promised land via your book, and now they want help with implementing what they learned in your book...bingo. Those are my favorite kind of sales (they kind where they sold themselves).

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Very helpful, thank you! I have a book I wrote years ago, and am considering re-releasing it as a self- published book.

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Hey Abbey! That's awesome! Was it traditionally published? That sounds like a great opportunity. I really do think that indie publishing is getting so strong these days, especially with all the tools we have. And you get to keep all rights. What kind of book is it?

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Jul 3Liked by Renee Puvvada

Happy to hear from you Renee. Am writing a book about the mindset. Exploring the different ways we can change ourselves by just changing our mindset. It seems writing is a good way to explore.

Would be glad to connect with you and talk more.

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Absolutely! Please come and leave me a message. I’d love to learn more about you and your project.

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As someone on a journey of writing a book this is useful 📌

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Happy to hear thar McDaniel. What’s your book going to be about?

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Jun 26Liked by Renee Puvvada

Do you have a website?

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Hey Georgia! Starting scrappy so website in the pipeline, can certainly provide more info to you over a call to learn more about you and your projects. You can book here : https://calendly.com/reneepuvvada-authorreneedang/30mins

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Jun 26Liked by Renee Puvvada

loving this, very helpful. thanks so much for sharing!

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You're welcome Claudia!

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Thank you Renee! A great article. I have a question though… where do the people who you give a free book to, leave their reviews? How does that actually work?

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The best place, IMO, for them to leave a review on your Amazon.com listing. The 2nd best place on your Goodreads.com listing. They will need to have an Amazon account and have spent $50 in the past year to qualify to leave a review, but they will leave a review just like they leave a review on any other product they buy from Amazon.

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Ah ok. So would you list it on Amazon before you start selling it, like as a pre-order? And then they can write the reviews onto it. Do the reviews only become live once the listing is live?

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As soon as the book goes live, ask all of your advance readers to leave a review on it. You can certainly set up a pre-order, because Amazon will ask buyers to review anyway. However I would not rely on just Amazon to ask, you must also ask all your readers to leave a review (and follow-through with them to ensure they did it). The reviews go live when the listing is live, correct.

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Thanks Renee, that is very helpful to know

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