Welcome to Smokin’ Hot Book Funnels ✨ — the ultimate book marketing newsletter for ambitious, soul-centered entrepreneurs on a mission to change the world with their words.

Hello! My name is Renee, and I help successful entrepreneurs market their books.

If you have been on an entrepreneurial journey for several years, and you have finally distilled your mission, story, and signature method into a proven, profitable system, it’s time to take your message to the masses.

With a book. :)

You’ve probably wanted to be an author your whole life, but you have so many questions, like:

  • Am I ready? Is my message ready?

  • I can’t write! I have so many ideas in my head, but I have no clue how to put them into a book format.

  • How much does it cost? When will I make my money back? What’s the ROI?

  • Should I self-publish? Should I get an agent?

  • How do I get on Joe Rogan?

There, there, rest assured: if you have been thinking about writing and publishing a book for a while (or perhaps you want help from a ghostwriter), you’re in the right place.

🤠🌻 Why subscribe?

The Smokin’ Hot Book Funnels newsletter is for you if you:

  1. Own an online education business with a proven high-ticket offer

  2. Want to write a book to grow your business, but have no clue where to start

  3. Are looking for help to market your nonfiction books

(Or any combination of the three.)

By subscribing, you will FREE access to a 100% customizable-to-you book launch template. This is the same book launch timeline that helped me sell 10,000+ books in 1 year, helped one of my clients get booked at 80% of the live events she applied for, double her Instagram following, and increase her email list by 130%.

You can customize the entire automated timeline for your book launch and your dates.

Simply subscribe to get the document (and duplicate it for your own account).

You deserve to be a successful author and use the natural authority provided by your successful book to drive more leads, sales, and opportunities to you.

This newsletter is all about simplifying the business of books so that you can be successful at it, just like Robert Kiyosaki, Tim Ferriss, and Jessica Zweig.

Subscribe to get full access to the newsletter and publication archives.

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Join the community

Be part of a community of people who share your desire to publish and market a highly-successful business book. If you join on Substack, you can participate in the comments section, or ask questions in our subscribers-only chat thread.

Paid subscribers get access to community features, exclusive paid-only posts, and invitations to exclusive paid-only events.

If you purchase a Founding Members plan, you will receive an invitation to a 90-Minute Book Funnel Audit, where you will get access to a 1:1 Zoom call, where we will go over why your book may not be selling. You will get feedback on things like your Amazon listing, title, cover, book description, lead magnets, marketing strategy, funnel pages, and links, as well as receive strategies for selling more books at signings, speaking, bookstores, and through your network.

Subscribe to Smokin' Hot Book Funnels

✨ We help successful entrepreneurs get more clients without spending money on ads by creating a personal brand book launch on Amazon.


Author, Book Marketer, Cowgirl-in-Training 🤠🌻 | Sold 15,000 self-published copies in 2 years 🧐 | ✨ Helping successful entrepreneurs get more clients without spending money on ads by creating a personal brand book launch on Amazon