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You’ve made it! If you don’t know yet, my name is Renee, and I help successful entrepreneurs, like yourself, create and market business books to get them more clients (and no book deal, huge Instagram following, or G-wagons required).

Let’s bring you up to speed.

15,000 copies sold in 2 years with only 183 followers on Instagram. I can help you do the same.

I market books for high-ticket, online entrepreneurs with an already-proven, profitable offer (at least $5k) to help them grow their email lists, increase their authority, and attract higher-quality clients on autopilot with the power of a business book.

Here’s what I know about you:

  • You’re an ambitious, high-achieving individual, and you like doing things “right” the first time.

  • You’re proud of the entrepreneurial journey you’ve taken to get where you are. It’s taken years of blood, sweat, and tears, but nothing feels better than becoming the person that makes their own dreams come true.

  • You expect your book to sell tens of thousands of copies and realistically achieve #1 Amazon bestseller (at least). You see the end-goal, and you see the payoff. You’re just looking for the proven roadmap to get you there.

  • Your signature method or program is truly aligned to your values, your story, and your personality, and you’re so proud that you’ve helped transform so many lives using the method that you teach in your high-ticket, online program.

  • You love learning, executing, and growing, and you’re not afraid to invest in yourself and your education. You’re just looking for assurance that the method you choose is going to work.

👇🏽 Here is what you need to read to get started (open these in new tabs).

  1. I’ve put together a 6-Figure Book Marketing Masterclass for you that will answer 99.9% of your questions, so that you can cut to the chase and make decisions that align with who you are right away about your book.

  2. Don’t just launch a book. Plan for a book funnel. This is how readers seamlessly become your high-ticket clients.

  3. Learn how top book marketers sell 10,000+ self-published copies in a single year (this is in the first 1% of book sales). Notice what high-level entrepreneurs think about, while noticing what they don’t.

What’s Next?

If you’re serious about getting started on your business book project, book a discovery call to learn how to get started with your self-published book.

Book a discovery call

We can help you:

  1. Create your book

  2. Launch your book

  3. Create your online funnel pages

And a combination of all 3. We help you create a smokin’ hot book funnel.

Whether you’re in the idea phase, or you’re ready to hire someone to help you write your book, create a launch plan, or create your funnel pages, we’re here to help you, answer your questions, and turn your readers into believers.

Book a discovery call

To your success.

Much love,
