Client Wins

Cristina Ramirez

Founder of DashStrøm RunClubs, Cristina found it difficult to convert cold leads into paying customers for her book. After analysis, we realized that her Amazon listing could use some work, and we worked together to help her craft a more emotional, more conversion-oriented book description to help her sell more books.

Beth Binger

Beth started her business as a way to connect with midlife women who were undergoing a big life transition by re-sparking their freedom and wonder through a road trip. On a mission to share her message, Beth started writing her book There’s Wonder Around the Bend, but didn’t know where to turn when it came time to market her book to the masses.

Beth worked with us to create a custom timeline that helped her achieve #1 Amazon bestseller, grow her email list by 300%, double her Instagram following, and get 76 reviews (average 4.9 star rating), all within 30 days of her launch. She has sold 700 books (and counting) within her first 5 months of launch, and her book is now stocked in bookstores and gift stores across the US.

Beth is now embarking on a podcast journey to convert listeners and readers into email subscribers as she launches her first product.

See Beth’s full testimonial here.

Jon Clark

Jon Clark experienced debilitating pain that kept him in a wheelchair for years. After healing his chronic pain with posture therapy and psychadelics, Jon decided to document his method in his book Psychadelics, Chronic Pain, & the Posturedelic Hypothesis.

We worked with Jon to launch his book on Amazon, where he achieved #1 New Release on Amazon. Jon is now a paid speaker and panelist at Emory University for his groundbreaking techniques, and he is now attracting grateful clients to work with him further.

Ken Cox

Ken is launching a self-published book about his personal struggles with addiction as a successful the President of Hostirian and owner of Box STL, both based in St. Louis, Missouri. After overcoming his personal struggles with addiction, he is looking to launch a coaching business helping executives and founders do the same.

He decided to work with Smokin’ Hot Book Funnels to create a custom book launch timeline and strategy to help him get as much media attention and book sales as possible.

We have coached him through booking 20 podcast episodes receiving endorsements for his book from celebrities like Wes Bergmann and Devon Alexander pre-launch. We will be running a #1 Amazon bestseller campaign for him, guaranteeing him bestseller status during his launch period.

Sample of the custom timeline we would use to launch your book, which includes podcast guesting, sharing free advance reader copies, and maximizing the Amazon algorithm in the first 30 days of launch to achieve #1 Amazon Bestseller status.

Get your own customizable self-published book launch timeline here to

  • maximize your opportunities on Amazon

  • turn readers into high-ticket clients

  • book paid speaking spots

  • and grow your following.